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Meet our Alumni

Our alumni are as vibrant as Aiglon. The Office of Philanthropy & Community Engagement works with alumni to build a community of Aiglon alumni, parents, students and staff that fosters goodwill, leadership and philanthropy in the service of Aiglon.

You are a member, or may be soon, of one of the world’s most interesting, influential and fun communities: Aiglon Alumni. What does that mean? The global Aiglon community is a wonderful thing. Whatever career you choose, you’ll find Aiglonians willing to meet up, help, and share their wisdom in every sector, from finance to film-making.

Class Reunion Photo

6,000+ strong

You will find Aiglonians everywhere –it's one of our favourite things about this community. No matter where you go, there is someone to meet.

A Big Reunion

Aiglonians love a reason to celebrate. From smaller reunions around the world each year, to class groups who come back to the mountain –there is always an occasion to mark. Our 75th Anniversary year will culminate with a big celebration on campus!


Aiglonians are generous. Our alumni and alumni parents group together every year to fund our Alumni Eagle Scholar, with our newest recipient joining Aiglon this autumn!

A Strong Recommendation

The majority of our new student enrolments come to us from members of our global community. Aiglonians love their school and they aren't afraid to tell others about it!

Aiglon has Turned 75!

For 75 years the Aiglon community has grown; community growth, personal growth, campus developments and our global footprint. We are all interconnected from this Alpine school experience. All Aiglonians share formative experiences and values that guide our journey through life. The community becomes a constant to which we can return; to reflect and to continue learning. By celebrating this multicultural and multifaceted heritage we look to the future and the power of human connection to enable us all to prosper, learn and give back to society. 

Learn more about the global celebrations

Get Involved

Group of Alumni at 70th BBQ

As Aiglon alumni, you are part of a remarkable community with a unique shared experience that doesn't need to end after you graduate. There are many ways you can get involved by helping our students and in turn, reconnect with your fellow alumni.

Global Network

Looking for alumni near you? Would you like to join, or host, an upcoming event. Then look no further! Aiglon's global network is at your fingertips.

Online Shop

Are you missing some Aiglon memorabilia? Look no further. You can now shop all things Aiglon online!

Submit Class Note

The alumni community love our magazine. While submitting a "note" might feel old fashioned, it's still a great way to share about what is happening, and get featured! 

Alumni Eagle Scholar

Every year our alumni and alumni parent community group together to collectively fund the Alumni Eagle Scholar. Learn more about our giving programmes.

Make a Gift

A not-for-profit school, Aiglon is proud that its resources are directed towards students and the student experience. Make your contribution today!

Request Documents

Do you need official Aiglon documents? Create an account on Aiglon Life and we will be happy to process your request.


Contact Us

Office of Philanthropy & Community Engagement

Aiglon College
Avenue Centrale 61
1885 Chesières

Meet the Team

Karen Sandri

Director of Philanthropy & Community Engagement

Caitlin Gaslawski

Senior Philanthropy & Community Engagement Officer

Isla Campbell

Administrative & Stewardship Officer

Viviane Emerson

Community Services Officer

Hicham Raxi

Events & Community Services Officer

Natasha Storey

Archives & Research Manager

Sophie Viale (Fish)

Alumni Engagement Officer

Ben Walker

Associate Director of Philanthropy

Stay Connected

We can't keep in touch if we can't reach you. By simply ensuring your info and contact details are updated, you help us better understand where our alumni are and what they're doing. Update your info by completing this form, registering on Aiglon Life, or emailing us.