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University Advising

Through comprehensive advising and structured, personalised support, Aiglon students attend top universities across the world.

Beginning in the senior school, the university advising department works individually with students to mentor and guide them through IB course selection, career research and the university search and application process. Formal programming is in place for students to fully understand the expectations of the years that follow their Aiglon education. The department consists of expert advisors who are trained in admissions practices and procedures around the world. Through this expertise, the team offers personalised advising services to all students and parents, covering application requirements and financial aid/scholarship searches.

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Advising Programme

Helpful Resources


The school profile provides a quick, yearly overview of the academic performance and university destinations of Aiglon's students.



We are always happy to help parents understand more about the university advising process. Please get in touch.


SAT COurses

Each year Aiglon normally offers SAT preparation courses for students. Learn more about our partnership with AlphaPrep and register today.


Our Advising Team

Our university advisors use their extensive knowledge and expertise in the world of international admissions to support students throughout this process. They maintain open lines of communication at all times to support and encourage a positive university search and application process. They also provide students and their families with professional insight into the strengths of individual colleges and universities and how the admissions process works at various institutions worldwide. They offer advice and information regarding a balanced university list, personal statement and essay writing, application completion, and admission testing strategies as well as ensuring compliance with external deadlines by setting earlier internal deadlines.

The advising staff also prepare school reports, references and letters of recommendation, and submit all supporting documents to each university. They advocate for applicants at all stages of the process.

When required, our advisors will help prepare students for interviews and auditions as well as offer guidance to those who are making a final university choice or other post-Aiglon plan.

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Patience Fanella-Koch

Director of University Advising, Advisor to Alpina, Exeter, St. Louis

Sam Fleischmann

Associate Director University Advising, Advisor to Belvedere, Clairmont, Le Trient

Edith Miletto

Associate Director of University Advising, Advisor to Delaware & Le Cerf

Marine Oiry-Gaillard

University Advising Coordinator, SAT Supervisor; summer programme support; Application support for IE Univ, Bocconi, Univ, and EHL