Daily Life
A boarding school may have many new routines, and it might not be what some of our new students are used to. But be assured that our rhythm of academic rigour, personal challenge, relaxation time, relationships and daily community means that life at Aiglon is healthy and fulfilling.
Our aim is to structure each day as a healthy balance of hard work with opportunities for growth and relaxation. Our year is distinctively seasonal, with changes in our routine taking place between the summer and winter months. Whether it's the school uniform or how we eat together, each part of Aiglon life has a key role to play in the way we learn and live together.
The Working Day
Routine is an important part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Every day at Aiglon follows a similar structure and is balanced around the working school timetable as well as evening and weekend activities. A normal day has seven academic periods, beginning with meditation or assembly, a morning break time and lunch. This is followed by activities in the afternoon, with house commitments, dinner and prep time in the evenings.
For more information about the Aiglon routine and events, you can consult the school calendar.